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Honor Their Sacrifice

Honor Their Sacrifice started as one man's mission to help honor our fallen soldiers by cleaning and restoring their headstones in his local cemetery. Now, it has grown to much more!

About Our Mission

Learn why John Ross-Miller begun cleaning gravesites and learn how you can get involved!


Upcoming Projects to Fund

We are local not-for-profit operating on private funding, crowd sourcing and donations! If you are able to donate, we can use funding for supplies and materials.



We are always looking for volunteers to help perform the cleaning of the gravesites, or for funding for supplies. Every little bit helps!

Kids Can Help Too!

Do you have kids who need volunteer hours or just want to get involved!? We accept help of all ages. A parent or guardian need only sign them up!

Get to Know Us

Follow us on social media, subscribe to our email lists, and come join us on a clean up!

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